Preparing your healthcare staff for the potential for workplace violence is vital. Healthcare workers face the risk for violence in the workplace on a daily basis. While the looming threat can be overwhelming, your staff can feel better prepared after participating in one of our training sessions.
In 2012 there were over 80 incidents involving armed violent intruders in the United States. This translates to an incident occurring less than every 5 days.
Did you know OSHA is now requiring staff members to have specific training to help combat workplace violence in a healthcare setting. This is due to the alarming rate at which an incident of workplace violence happens in the healthcare industry.
MDI has presented their lifesaving Armed Violent Intruder Response (A.V.I.R.) training curriculum to 1,000’s of healthcare professionals across the United States. As a result of the overwhelmingly positive response to the dynamic lecture and breakout sessions, MDI has created an Online Training Series.
The A.V.I.R. online training segment has been specifically customized for healthcare professionals and exceeds regulations set forth by CMS, The Joint Commission and OSHA. It contains the core elements of MDI’s principally-based doctrine that was created to empower healthcare professionals through a series of reactive, principally-based action steps. Designed to be utilized as a quick response guide, it assists with proper decision making during the threat of an armed violent intruder.
Dynamic, lifesaving, proactive action steps, such as MDI’s Out Principles, are discussed and demonstrated in detail. The various principles and strategies relating to restricting access and limiting the mobility of an armed violent intruder are also illustrated. This online training segment reveals various techniques that will enhance healthcare professionals’ existing skill set and further empower them to identify and recognize various danger cues in order to properly react.
TEAM MDI continues to employ extensive, real world, problem solving experience to create cutting edge training doctrine customized for the healthcare industry. The collective goal is to assist organizations in providing a safe environment for all patients, visitors, physicians and staff so they may continue to prosper in their endeavor to save lives.
We ensure all elements of our Workplace Violence Mitigation System are in balance with our Four-Pillar Principles.
Should a sentinel event occur, and investigations follow, healthcare organizations will be scrutinized on the following:
Was policy related to the particular event in place?
Were procedures outlined within the policy or otherwise?
Was training conducted in support of the policy and procedure?
Were drills conducted to validate the training?
Our content experts work diligently to insulate you from unnecessary liability and the complexities of existing regulations.
Now that you know more about the four-pillar approach used in our training, you can feel confident when you choose Mitigation Dynamics Institute to partner with. As a healthcare focused firm specializing in regulatory compliance and workplace violence mitigation, we empower your personnel with the tangible tools necessary to excel in today’s healthcare environment.
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